Recently we published a slidesho w in the SF Chronicle on 10 of San Francisco's Quir kiest Homes . This is the or iginal blogpost that inspired me to r each out to the Chronicle. San Franciscans are known for being quirky. We've got a n entire website dedicated to the topic . We're the city that hosts Bay to Breakers (exhibits A , B , and C ), and we flock to Burning Man for Labor Day. We have an bike race on B ig W heels Bikes and a hunky Jesus competition...on the same day! While many of us carry our quirk inside of us, some of us wear it on our bodies , and some choose to express it through our homes. As we scour the city with Urban Hiker SF, we've taken note of some eccentric houses and buildings all over the city. Here's a list of 10 of our favorites: 1. The Bike House - You think you like bikes, but not as much as this guy (or gal). Neighborhood: Laurel Heights Location : Blake Street between Geary Boulevard and Laurel Hill Playground ...